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Journal Club(抄読会)予定:4月26日, 5月9日

4月26日, 5月9日の抄読会は, 当科教室員の先生が発表された論文について, 執筆者ご本人に発表いただきます。7:20開始です(教室員限定. WEB情報については後日ご連絡します)


Predictors of early postoperative cognitive dysfunction in middle‐aged patients undergoing cardiac surgery: retrospective observational study. J Anesth 2023

Dr.Oyoshi_JA_2023_Jan Nakamura S_Biomed Pharmacother . 2022 Feb;146:112578


Oral acetaminophen-induced spinal 5-hydroxytriyptamine release produces analgesic effects in the rat formalin test. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 Feb;146:112578

Nakamura S_Biomed Pharmacother . 2022 Feb;146:112578